Terms & Conditions

1. Basic Provisions

These General Terms and Conditions govern the legal obligations between the Service Provider and the Product Recipient – Client. The operator provides the following services: manicure including nail modelling, pedicure, cosmetics, eyelash extensions, cosmetic skin treatments, massages and hairdressing, on the basis of a valid trade license and documents certifying professional competence for the activities performed.

By ordering a specific treatment date or ordering a gift voucher (in person, by phone, SMS or via the operator’s social network), the client expresses his/her consent to the operator’s general terms and conditions.

2. Order of Services

The date of the visit can be arranged and booked by the client in advance (in person, by phone, SMS or via the operator’s social network). An ordered appointment becomes a binding order. If the client is unable to come to the procedure on the agreed date, he/she will inform about it in advance by phone. We will no longer make an appointment for the client on the third unexcused date.

If the client arrives late, the treatment will be shortened so that the customer who is booked after the treatment of the late client can be served at the time for which he or she is booked.

3. Gift voucher

It applies to all services provided. A gift voucher can only be used for the period of its validity, which is marked on the gift voucher. After that, it becomes invalid and the client is not entitled to a refund of the amount paid. The unused value of the gift voucher cannot be exchanged back for cash.

4. Denial of Service

The procedure can be refused in the following cases:

a) The client suffers from contraindications or health problems.

b) The client comes to the treatment in a drunken state or under the influence of addictive substances.

c) The client comes for treatment in an unsatisfactory hygienic state.

5. Personal belongings and valuables

The Operator is not liable for any possible loss of items by clients before, during and after the procedure.

6. Price lists

Price lists can be viewed in the studio at the register or on the website of our studio.

7. SellingaProduct

Products can only be claimed in their original packaging and unopened, within the legal period and in a lawful manner.

8. Complaints about Services

When complaining about the services provided, the client must immediately and credibly prove that the subject of the complaint is related to a specific misconduct of the operator.

We provide an above-standard 7-day warranty on nail modelling. We only perform repairs free of charge and do not provide financial compensation or exchange for another service.

Mechanical damage to the nails caused by your own careless handling is not covered by the claim.

The right to complain about the aesthetic appearance of the performed modelling expires after approval and payment of the service.

A number of factors have a great influence on whether the material does not detach from the natural nail. Each nail is different, of different quality, and in addition, a change in the level of hormones in the body (due to some types of hormonal contraception, pregnancy, menstruation, etc.), some types of medication (mainly antibiotics), inflammation in the body, stress, etc., plays a role, so it is always necessary to keep in mind that your manicurist cannot influence these things, but can recommend another, more suitable method for you.

If you come with the original modelling done in another studio, it is necessary to accept that the added materials may not completely adhere to the original materials. In the case of so-called “Detachment” or other non-standard behavior of the material used, the complaint may not be accepted.

It is essential that the client does not conceal his or her health condition, skin sensitivities and possible allergies. Otherwise, any complaints may not be taken into account.

9. Validity and Effectiveness

These General Terms and Conditions come into force and effect on 11.10.2019

10. Principles of processing and protection of personal data

The personal data controller is Nails Center Luxury s.r.o., ID No. 07704666, with its registered office at Kobližnice 55/19, 798 17 Smržice, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Brno, Section C, Insert 109715.

The client’s personal data (only name and phone number) are processed and stored in the diary of the establishment. Only studio staff have access to client information, especially for the purpose of providing services.

According to Article 17 of the GDPR, the Client has the right to erasure of personal data concerning him/her, unless the Controller proves legitimate reasons for the processing of such personal data.

Pursuant to Article 21 of the GDPR, the client has the right to object to the processing of his or her personal data on the grounds of the Controller’s legitimate interest. In the event that the Controller fails to prove that there are serious legitimate reasons for the processing that override the interests or rights and freedoms of the Client, the Controller shall immediately terminate the processing on the basis of the objection and at the same time cancel the Client’s booked appointment.

Thank you for respecting the terms and conditions of our studio.

We are looking forward to your visit.

Nails Center